10 Green Living Ideas That Can Save You Money

Sustainable living has tremendous benefits for the planet as it facilitates the conservation of natural resources, minimises waste and reduces pollution. The benefits of a sustainable lifestyle are not exclusively for the environment, however. Living sustainably can provide economic benefits as well. Check out these green living ideas that can save you money while promoting a healthy environment.

  1. Ditch Disposables.

While the purchase price of single-use items is often cheaper, each purchase adds up and the cost could actually be quite staggering when compared to reusable alternatives.  Disposables are a much more expensive alternative in the long run. And sometimes, you don’t need to wait that long to experience the savings from switching to reusable items. In addition to the cost, much of the waste piled in landfills, drains, and unfortunately in the ocean, results from single-use items (especially plastic). This can be avoided by switching out single-use items with reusable ones such as make-up remover cloths and rechargeable batteries.

2. Switch to LEDs.

Switching to a more energy-efficient lightbulb can result in a dramatic reduction in your energy use, almost immediately! When I replaced the old incandescent bulbs in my apartment with LEDs, my monthly electricity bill was almost cut in half (not an exaggeration).

3. Learn a new skill.

Use your skills or learn some new ones! These days, the internet is littered with how-to tips to help you kick start your DIY projects. DIY is a great way to extend the life of what you have, minimize waste, and even save a few dollars while helping the planet. Whether you’re upcycling or repurposing something you already own – be it clothing, furniture, décor, or even cleaning products – see how you can get your hands dirty. 

4. Keep your spaces organised.

From the fridge to the closet, organised space can result in significant savings. Having a dedicated space for your items allows you to easily identify them when you need them. Clutter can result in a lot of waste and cause you to spend on items you don’t need… because you can’t see the ones you have! Lol. Organise your space to avoid buying that third jar of mayo when two are actually at the back of your fridge behind the milk and containers of food, or buying a new black camisole because you just can’t remember where you stored it.

5. Hang your clothes to dry.

Take advantage of the FREE energy provided by the sun and place your laundry on a clothing line to dry. Only use dryers when absolutely necessary – adverse weather conditions; time constraints.

6. Plan your meals.

Planning your meals for the week is a great way to save money and reduce waste at home. With a menu in mind, it’s easier to make a grocery list that aligns with what you need to prepare those meals. No more wandering at the grocery store and being side-tracked by “sales” or items you don’t need. This can save you a lot of time and money.

7. Have shorter showers.

I know, I too live for those long hot showers, but they could use up quite a bit of water and energy. According to the EPA, showers account for 17% of water use in homes, and the Department of Energy revealed that water heating accounts for almost 17% of a home’s energy use. Further, the standard showerheads use 2.5 gallons of water per minute. Thus, by shaving just a few minutes off of our showers, we can significantly reduce our water and energy bill (trust me, it adds up!)

8. Grow what you eat.

A home garden gives you easy access to healthy and affordable food, and thereby promotes a nutritious diet. What’s more, it could shave a ton of money off your grocery bill. You really don’t need a lot of space. Start small with a herb garden, or plant one of your favourite produce – just get that green thumb going!

9. Buy Used.

The savings from the purchase of preowned items can be substantial when compared to buying new. Further, when we buy used, we extend the life of existing items. It’s an incredibly sustainable practice because no new materials are being used, and more waste isn’t created. From furniture to electronics, several items in my possession are preowned items. I got them in great condition, almost like new, for only a fraction of the cost. Be it online, locally, or from a friend, see what preowned items you can get your hands on when next you need something.

10.Consume less.

The impending delivery of a new package or getting that extra side of fries can really bring out our feel-good hormones. However, a major contributor to several environmental issues we currently face is that as human beings, we consume too much. Consuming less means reduced pressure on natural resources, less waste, not as much clutter, and a whole lot of savings!

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