7 Home Organisation Tips to Avoid Clutter and Reduce Waste

Good organisation could be your answer to household clutter, waste, and freeing up more space in the home (no need to fill it with more stuff). At the very least, it’ll help you locate your keys. Minimise clutter in every part of your home with these simple organisation tips.

First off… have a regular cleaning routine.

Regular cleaning helps you keep an inventory of the stuff you own and is a great way to avoid build-up and keep clutter at bay. A cleaning routine provides a good foundation for proper sorting and storage – it allows you to decide what stays, what goes, and where things ought to be.

Have a designated space for EVERYTHING

At the core of proper organisation is having items arranged in such a manner that allows them to be easily identified. Creating a designated space for even the smallest of items allows this ease of identification. Start with your most used items, organising them in areas with the highest visibility and most ease of access. Such areas include the front of the refrigerator and cabinets, and (if you’re a petite one like me) lower shelves which are easier to reach. Store rarely used items in harder to reach places such as higher shelves and behind frequently used items.

Increase Visibility

Use labels or clear containers (bins, mason jars, clear canisters) to make it easier to identify stored items, from food to knick-knacks.  

Embrace the “drop zone”

The name kinda says it all! We all have those items we bring into the house that we don’t intend to take very far, such as keys, mail, hats, handbags or even shoes, and we just drop them on the dining room table, by the couch, perhaps the kitchen counter or anywhere we can find a surface. Having a convenient space or a drop zone to place these items can prevent clutter in other areas of the house. Acknowledging the need for such a space helps to determine the perfect area and storage type for your bespoke needs. This could be a desk or shelf in the entryway, a few hooks for your keys, or a full rack to accommodate hats too. Maybe just a basket for various items will do. Further, a designated space means you know where your keys are, you know where to find your mail, and you can conveniently grab a handbag on your way out. 

Get furniture pieces with storage

Save on precious closet and cupboard space with furniture pieces that add to your household storage. Multipurpose furniture like ottomans, benches with storage, or even coffee tables with drawers are great ways to minimise (or hide) clutter and integrate storage into your living room décor.

Use dividers to maximise space.

Drawer dividers and shelf dividers are low-cost ways to create more storage while adding more organisation to your space. In some instances, they can eliminate the need to acquire more storage space. They are totally worth the investment!

Maximise on vertical and hidden spaces  

Create more storage by going up when space gets tight. Use items like hooks, bars, floating shelves, and hanging door racks to store items on walls and doors. Also, stack bins and baskets to create more storage space. Store items in hidden spaces that wouldn’t ordinarily be utilised like under beds, atop closets, and even on the interior of kitchen cupboard doors.

6 thoughts on “7 Home Organisation Tips to Avoid Clutter and Reduce Waste

  1. Great tips. I am always looking for new ways to maximize storage capacity at home. I like the drop zone idea. Think I’m going to find a way to implement that into my current space.

  2. Love the organizational tips. Will get cracking on some of these.. I like the idea of going up to create more space.

  3. Visibility is a really important tip. When you see it you are able to identify what stays and what goes. Good stuff!

  4. I really like these shorter posts. So easy to digest and filled with useful nuggets.

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